Thursday, July 23, 2015
Linux 101 - Which distro to Choose
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
6:43 AM
How to choose your Linux Distro:
1. Are you a business runner who counts on Linux system(s) and you want a good support contract?
Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL)
2. You want Red Hat but you are not interested in having support?
3. You want Red Hat on your laptop/desktop?
4. You want a personal graphical desktop to play movies, music and games?
Linux Mint
5. You want a Distro that suitably works on servers, laptops, and any other device?
6. Are you looking for a very popular Linux distro, based on Debian?
7. Do you want a pointy-clicky hacking interface?
8. Advanced user? OK! go ahead
Arch, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Scientific,
Next Article: Different Licenses Used for Distributing Operating Systems Software
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Linux 101 - Current Linux Distributions
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
7:07 AM
Linux distribution is a a collection of open source software and shortly it's called Distro.
Distro provides secured and easy software management and sometimes a specific operations purpose.
Some popular Linux Distributions.
1. RedHat
A billion $ commercial Linux company which has hundreds of Linux specialists known for excellent support.
They provide RedHat Enterprise Linux and Fedora for free.
2. Ubuntu
Canonical Ltd. UK-based software company started sending out free Ubuntu in 2004 which quickly came popular Linux distru for home users.
Ubuntu is a graphical interfaced Linux distru that doesn't require using command line.
3. Debian
has no company behind but thousands of well organized developers that elect a Debian Project Leader every 2 years.
It's seen as one of the most stable Linux distros.
4. Other Distros
CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Linux and Scientific Linux are based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and share many of the same principles, directories and system administration techniques.
Linux Mint, Edubuntu and many other *buntu named distributions are based on Ubuntu and thus share a lot with Debian.
There are hundreds of other Linux distributions.
Next article: Linux 101 - Which distro to Choose

Monday, July 20, 2015
Linux 101 - detailed look on Linux History (1969 - 2015)
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
8:26 AM
All modern operating systems that we currently use have roots that go back to 1969 when Dennis Richie and Ken Thompson developed C programming language and Unix operating system at AT&T Bell Labs.
By 1975, AT&T started selling Unix operating system commercially.
In the 80s, companies such as IBM and Sun started to create their own Unix operating systems (AIX created by IBM and SunOS which later is Solaris by Sun) and that resulted in a miss of Unix dialects.
The first real root of Linux was when Richard Stallman ended the era of Unix separation by starting the GNU Project and his goal was to make an operating system that is completely free and available for everyone.
In the 90s, Linus Torvalds wrote a brand new kernel (POSIX) and he put the source code online.
Today, more than 97% of world supercomputers, 80% of smartphones, 70% of web servers, millions of desktop and laptop computers and internet modems run Linux.
Next article: Linux 101 - Current Linux Distributions
Saturday, November 30, 2013
How to charge your Dead Laptop Battery Again?
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
2:28 PM
What about Freezer that keeps your food iced?
Do you know that it can also bring your dead laptop battery back to be charged?
Few steps plus 12 hours of patience and dead laptop battery is back to charge:
1. Put the dead laptop battery in a sealed plastic bag
2. Put the bagged battery in the freezer for about 12 hours
3. Take the bag out of the freezer, and let the battery warm up to room temperature, drying it occasionally with a towel if it appears damp
4. Put the battery back into your laptop and Charge the battery as much as possible, then leave the laptop on in order discharge it completely
>>Repeat this step 3-4 times
After that the dead battery should be back to charge and be more usable.
Do you know that it can also bring your dead laptop battery back to be charged?
Few steps plus 12 hours of patience and dead laptop battery is back to charge:
1. Put the dead laptop battery in a sealed plastic bag
2. Put the bagged battery in the freezer for about 12 hours
3. Take the bag out of the freezer, and let the battery warm up to room temperature, drying it occasionally with a towel if it appears damp
4. Put the battery back into your laptop and Charge the battery as much as possible, then leave the laptop on in order discharge it completely
>>Repeat this step 3-4 times
After that the dead battery should be back to charge and be more usable.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Different Default Print for each program
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
2:56 AM
Works only with windows
I'm one of the people who have more than a printer connected to my pc and I would like to have a piece of software that can helpme to define which program to print using which printer..
I'm an employee and I have more than a printer in my office and I like to be organized in my printings which means not to print everything on any printer..
For Both categories, I brought you today this amazing software which is going to do a different default printer set based on the application that prints.
The program is a freeware software called Automatic Printer Switcher V1.0
That is the program screen shot to show you how easy to set and use
Its a very helpful program and I really recommend it for all computer users how user multiple printers during the day. to download the Automatic Printer Switcher V1.0 Click HERE
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I'm one of the people who have more than a printer connected to my pc and I would like to have a piece of software that can helpme to define which program to print using which printer..
I'm an employee and I have more than a printer in my office and I like to be organized in my printings which means not to print everything on any printer..
For Both categories, I brought you today this amazing software which is going to do a different default printer set based on the application that prints.
The program is a freeware software called Automatic Printer Switcher V1.0
That is the program screen shot to show you how easy to set and use
Its a very helpful program and I really recommend it for all computer users how user multiple printers during the day. to download the Automatic Printer Switcher V1.0 Click HERE
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Monday, May 31, 2010
rmvb Vedio Compression
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
7:26 AM
once upon a time, I was browsing my computer and I found out that I have 60 GB Movies saved on my laptop! Can anyone imagine the presence of that mount of storage on a 180 GB Laptop HDD reserved for Movies?
I Do believe in that because I know many people - like me - likes to watch movies on PC and specially on laptop.. - Try it while you are sleeping on your back and putting the laptop on your chest.
Anyways, all my movies are saved on the avi format which menas not less than a 700 MB files size. I had to cleanup some of my disk space t save it for installing Ubunto 10.4 so the less important data to delete were the movies. But before I proceed to delete them, I had a minute to think.. Is there a way to change the video FORMAT and compress them?!? Yes there is and that is what I found out at the end.
If you have 100 GB of avi videos and you want to free up 30 GB, you don't have to delete some f the movies.. the better thing to do is to use a special prgram which is able to COMPRESS the avi and decode it to rmvb format.
Fine, now lets talk about that special program.
The program I found is named Easy Real Media Tools!
Its a piece of cake to install software, very easy to use but it takes time to convert the video in order to keep the quality of the video. Also, you can use it to merge subtitle file which is the translation of the movie script to preferable language.
I shall add later some screen shots for
- Installation
- Configuration
- from avi to rmvb convert process
The program is free to use with no trial or limitations in features and you don't need to enter a serial or any of that crap.
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I Do believe in that because I know many people - like me - likes to watch movies on PC and specially on laptop.. - Try it while you are sleeping on your back and putting the laptop on your chest.
Anyways, all my movies are saved on the avi format which menas not less than a 700 MB files size. I had to cleanup some of my disk space t save it for installing Ubunto 10.4 so the less important data to delete were the movies. But before I proceed to delete them, I had a minute to think.. Is there a way to change the video FORMAT and compress them?!? Yes there is and that is what I found out at the end.
If you have 100 GB of avi videos and you want to free up 30 GB, you don't have to delete some f the movies.. the better thing to do is to use a special prgram which is able to COMPRESS the avi and decode it to rmvb format.
Fine, now lets talk about that special program.
The program I found is named Easy Real Media Tools!
Its a piece of cake to install software, very easy to use but it takes time to convert the video in order to keep the quality of the video. Also, you can use it to merge subtitle file which is the translation of the movie script to preferable language.
I shall add later some screen shots for
- Installation
- Configuration
- from avi to rmvb convert process
The program is free to use with no trial or limitations in features and you don't need to enter a serial or any of that crap.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
What if you lost your Physical and logical HDD partitions by accedent?
Submitted by
M. Metwalley
1:02 AM
I have a friend who had a strange issue with his PC. After booting up the Windows XP PC from a Linux Lite CD, he accepted some changes in his MBR due to the boot request but he did it to his HDD not the USB stick memory. After that, everytime he tried to do normal startup for his pc, he gets a message asking to insert a system desk and to presss enter. The regular solve for such a case is to check the Boot of the HDD using the Windows XP CD repair console. the first error message from the recovery console states that the C Drive is unreadable. now the status is the following; unpartitioned full size of HDD and needs to be partitioned and formatted. After some homework, I found out that there is a very helpful sftware which is Active@ Partition Recovery which is capable to do the following:
1. If System Partition is deleted (where the operating system is installed,
C: in most cases), i.e. machine is not bootable, your choices are:
- Prepare bootable floppy/USB or CD-ROM, boot in DOS mode from the bootable
floppy/USB or CD-ROM and use Active@ Partition Recovery for DOS to recover
the system partition.
- Attach damaged Hard Disk Drive to another machine bootable in Windows and
having Active@ Partition Recovery for Windows installed, boot in Windows
and recover the system partition.
- Prepare and use Bootable Windows PE CD-ROM, boot from CD and use Active@
Partition Recovery for Windows. You will be able to recover the system
partition from the familiar Windows environment. Bootable Windows PE CD-ROM
is supplied with Enterprise version only.
2. If Non-System partition is deleted (for example D: or E: disk, or drive located
on USB drive or Memory Card), i.e. you can safely boot your machine in Windows,
your choices are:
- Boot in Windows, install and run Active@ Partition Recovery for Windows,
then scan unallocated space to detect and recover non-system partitions.
- If for some reason you cannot detect partition or Windows does not allow to
recover detected partition properly, prepare bootable floppy or CD-ROM,
boot from it and try Active@ Partition Recovery for DOS to recover partition.
3. If partition has been recovered, however Windows still cannot recognize it, it means
that the file system itself is severely damaged you can try at least to save (copy)
your files and folders located on the damaged partition to the safe place:
- Use Active@ File Recovery utility to recover your files and folders from the
damaged partition to the safe location. You can download this utility
from the web site ( http://www.file-recovery.net/download.htm ) separately,
as well as it is included in Enterprise version of Active@ Partition Recovery.
Friday after noon, I'm giving it a try and will update my post with the experience results.
The Result
I have tried the program and here are my results,
1- As long as you are working from the Bootable CD, you will be able to recover only 20-30 GB from the HDD which is generally the Windows System Partition.
2- After recovering the windows system, you will be able to log on normally to your OS.
3- Now you can run the Active@ File Recovery for windows and restore the rest of your lost partition(s).
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1. If System Partition is deleted (where the operating system is installed,
C: in most cases), i.e. machine is not bootable, your choices are:
- Prepare bootable floppy/USB or CD-ROM, boot in DOS mode from the bootable
floppy/USB or CD-ROM and use Active@ Partition Recovery for DOS to recover
the system partition.
- Attach damaged Hard Disk Drive to another machine bootable in Windows and
having Active@ Partition Recovery for Windows installed, boot in Windows
and recover the system partition.
- Prepare and use Bootable Windows PE CD-ROM, boot from CD and use Active@
Partition Recovery for Windows. You will be able to recover the system
partition from the familiar Windows environment. Bootable Windows PE CD-ROM
is supplied with Enterprise version only.
2. If Non-System partition is deleted (for example D: or E: disk, or drive located
on USB drive or Memory Card), i.e. you can safely boot your machine in Windows,
your choices are:
- Boot in Windows, install and run Active@ Partition Recovery for Windows,
then scan unallocated space to detect and recover non-system partitions.
- If for some reason you cannot detect partition or Windows does not allow to
recover detected partition properly, prepare bootable floppy or CD-ROM,
boot from it and try Active@ Partition Recovery for DOS to recover partition.
3. If partition has been recovered, however Windows still cannot recognize it, it means
that the file system itself is severely damaged you can try at least to save (copy)
your files and folders located on the damaged partition to the safe place:
- Use Active@ File Recovery utility to recover your files and folders from the
damaged partition to the safe location. You can download this utility
from the web site ( http://www.file-recovery.net/download.htm ) separately,
as well as it is included in Enterprise version of Active@ Partition Recovery.
Friday after noon, I'm giving it a try and will update my post with the experience results.
The Result
I have tried the program and here are my results,
1- As long as you are working from the Bootable CD, you will be able to recover only 20-30 GB from the HDD which is generally the Windows System Partition.
2- After recovering the windows system, you will be able to log on normally to your OS.
3- Now you can run the Active@ File Recovery for windows and restore the rest of your lost partition(s).
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